- Aug. 1: Total Eclipse of the Sun in Greenland, Canada, Russia and China - there's more info here and esp. here while webcasts are/will be linked here and here and there are already blogs of folks going to Mongolia and Siberia.
- Aug. 2: Very young Moon 4° from Venus; evening apparition of the latter get's going.
- Aug. 5: Venus near Regulus just after sunset.
- Aug. 12, around noonn UTC: Maximum of the Perseids (waxing Moon setting after midnight).
- Aug. 13: Venus just 0.2° from Saturn (telescope required).
- Aug. 15: Neptune in opposition at 7.8 mag. in Cap.
- Aug. 16/17: Partial lunar eclipse, max. phase 81%
• The light curve of Boattini is going down; also pics of d'Arrest, Lulin and Chury. • A paper on next year's Epsilon Aur campaign and how to contribute with small equipment. • How a newspaper covered a green flash, and NLCs over Iran. • The Moon transits Earth as seen by EPOXI. And an ISS movie of July 14.